Tremulous Wikia

Non-advanced binds[]

These are instructions to load a completed key binds set to make gameplay easier in Tremulous. It will mention 3 files you will need, autoexec.cfg, humans.cfg and aliens.cfg which you put in the "base" folder inside the folder where you installed Tremulous.


Name a text file autoexec.cfg and put it into your Tremulous base folder. Contents:

//unbindall resets all binds.

//to make auto downloading maps easier, these two cl-settings
//will help when you don't have a certain map.
cl_allowDownload 1
cl_wwwDownload 1

//your name. Each time you load Tremulous or press F11 (see below) 
//the name you select will be used
name putyournamehere

//F3 and F4 Alien/Human specific
bind ins "say_team ^2Yes"
bind home "say_team No"

//bind g team specific
bind F5 "team auto"
bind F6 "team spectate"
//bind F7 team specific
bind F8 "kill"
bind F9 "team aliens;wait;exec aliens.cfg"
bind F10 "team humans;wait;exec humans.cfg"
bind F11 "exec autoexec.cfg"

//Kickvotes are made by typing part of a name and a reason. For example
//To kick a player named 'Wright' it's enough to type in console:
//callvote kick rig Deconned our base!
//callvote kick player reason
//it's enough to type part of the name if it's unique among the players

bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "+button2"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind + "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind = "sizeup"
bind [ "weapprev"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ] "weapnext"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "buy ammo"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "deconstruct"
bind f "+button3"
//bind h team specific
//bind i team specific
bind m "itemact medkit"
bind n "scoresDown"
bind q "+button7"
bind r "reload"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode" //talks to everyone
//bind u team specific
bind p teamstatus
bind v "itemact medkit"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "boost"
bind y "messagemode2" //talks to team members
bind z "+zoom"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+left"
bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "+attack"
bind SHIFT "+speed"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind END "centerview"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F12 "quit"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+button5"
bind MOUSE3 "+button2"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"


Put the following binds in a file called humans.cfg. Put that file in the base folder of the Tremulous folder.

//build binds. When you have a construction kit, they will work.
//Each time you press from 1-8 keys, it will show a message about
//what you have selected to build, and you will just need to 
//click afterwards where you want to place it.
bind 1 "echo ^2***^5Reactor selected^2***;build reactor"
bind 2 "echo ^2***^5Telenode selected^2***;build telenode"
bind 3 "echo ^2***^5MG Turret selected^2***;build mgturret"
bind 4 "echo ^2***^5Armory selected^2***;build arm"
bind 5 "echo ^2***^5MediStat selected^2***;build medistat"
bind 6 "echo ^2***^5Tesla selected^2***;build tesla"
bind 7 "echo ^2***^5DCC selected^2***;build dcc"
bind 8 "echo ^2***^5Repeater selected^2***;build repeater"
//Teamwork binds
bind F7 "say_team Is it ^1Rush time^5?
bind h "say_team ^1I'm returning to base. ^3Ammo/Health Refill!"
bind u "say_team Shall we gather more teammates?"
bind i "say_team Aliens stage^13^5 I think"
bind j "say_team ^1incoming Alien/Aliens!
//Weapon & armor binds
bind pgdn "sell weapons;buy ckit"
bind pgup "sell weapons;buy ackit"

//human moving binds
bind kp_minus itemtoggle jetpack
bind MOUSE3 itemtoggle jetpack //activating and deactivating jetpack

bind f3 "class rifle" //Spawn as a human with a rifle
bind f4 "class ackit;wait;class ckit" //Spawn as a human builder. 
//This didn't work very well at human stage1
bind g "share"

//human keypad binds
bind kp_ins "sell ackit;sell ckit" //sell building equipment so you can buy weapons
bind kp_end "sell weapons;buy psaw" //must be activated to do damage at close range
bind kp_downarrow "sell weapons;buy rifle" //buy the weapon rifle
bind kp_pgdn "sell weapons;buy shotgun" //buy shotgun
bind kp_pgup "sell weapons;buy flamer" //buy flamer
bind kp_leftarrow "sell weapons;buy lgun" //buy weapon
bind kp_5 "sell weapons;buy prifle" //buy weapon
bind kp_rightarrow "sell weapons;buy mdriver" //buy weapon
bind kp_home "sell weapons;buy chaingun" //buy weapon
bind kp_uparrow "buy jetpack" //jetpack

//human weapon and armor combination binds
bind k "sell weapons;buy rifle;buy gren;buy jetpack"
bind l "sell weapons;buy bsuit;buy lcannon;buy gren"
bind m "sell weapons;buy flamer;buy gren;buy jetpack"

bind shift "itemact gren" //throw grenade
bind r reload

//human armory
bind * "buy gren" //buying a grenade
bind leftarrow "buy bsuit" //battlesuit
bind uparrow "echo ^5@buying helm,armor,jetp@;buy helmet;wait;buy larmour"
bind downarrow "sell weapons;sell upgrades;buy ackit;wait;buy ckit"
bind rightarrow "sell weapons;wait;buy lcannon"


Put the following binds in a file called aliens.cfg. Put that file in the base folder of the Tremulous folder.

//Builder binds. When you are a granger, these will work. 
//It also depends on stage, which advanced players know already
bind 1 "echo ^2***^5Overmind selected^2***;build overmind"
bind 2 "echo ^2***^5Eggpod selected^2***;build eggpod"
bind 3 "echo ^2***^5Acib Tube selected^2***;build acid_tube"
bind 4 "echo ^2***^5Barricade selected^2***;build barricade"
bind 5 "echo ^2***^5Trapper selected^2***;build trapper"
bind 6 "echo ^2***^5Booster selected^2***;build booster"
bind 7 "echo ^2***^5Hive selected^2***;build hive"
bind 8 "echo ^2***^5Hovel selected^2***;build hovel"

//Teamwork binds
bind F7 "say_team Please build ^7booster^5/Where is ^7booster^5?"
bind j "say_team ^1incoming human/humen!
bind g "share"
bind h "say_team ^1Returning to nearest booster ^3for Poison!"

bind F11 exec autoexec.cfg

//spawning and after spawn upgrades
bind f3 "class level0"
bind f4 "class builderupg;wait;class builder"
bind downarrow "class level2"
bind leftarrow "class level3"
bind rightarrow "class level3upg"
bind uparrow "class level4"
bind pgdn "class level1"
bind pgup "class level1upg"

bind r "+button2" //attacking with barbs
bind mouse3 "+movedown"

